-The fish has cold blooded.
-They live in the water
-They have fins but no legs
-Fish breathe under water.They take
oxygen from water through their gills
instead of lungs.
Fish lay their eggs in water.
Birds a warm blooded.
They have beaks.
They have two legs.
They have wings to fly.
Reptiles are cold blooded
They have scales.
They have ear holes instead of ears.
They have dry skin.
They can live on land and water.
Some reptiles can have legs and some don’t.
Molluscs are cold blooded.
Some can live in land and some can live in water.
They have soft bodies.
Some have are shell outside their bodies.
They have tentacles instead of arms and legs.
They lay eggs.
They a cold blooded.
They do not have a backbone.
They hatch from eggs.
They are mainly arthropods.
Amphibians are cold
They live on land and water.
They lay eggs.
They have moist skin.
They have webbed feet.